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Ratsitatanina's Gift

University of Mauritius Press, 2009. 63p.  Centre for Research on Slavery and Indenture Series.  Local Mauritius publication for a public audience.

Articles and Chapters

“Slaving in Africa,” in The Princeton Companion to Atlantic History, edited by Joseph C. Miller (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2015), 425-429.


“African Slave Trades in Global Perspective,” in The Oxford Handbook of Modern African History, edited by Richard Reid and John Parker (Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, 2013), 56-76.


“La rue coloniale: Ratsitatanina et la créolité dans l’océan Indien,” in Henri Médard, Marie-Laure Derat, Thomas Vernet and Marie Pierre Ballarin, eds., Traites et esclavages en Afrique Orientale et dans l'océan Indien (Paris: Karthala, 2013), 441-460.


“Fragments of an Indian Ocean Life: Aristide Corroller between Islands and Empires,” Journal of Social History, Volume 45, Number 2 (Winter 2011), 366-389.

“Promiscuous Translation: Working the Word at Antananarivo,” in The Power of Doubt: Essays in Honor of David Henige, edited by Paul S. Landau (Madison, Wisconsin.: Parallel Press, 2011), 89-111.

"Horrid Journeying: Narratives of Enslavement and the Global African Diaspora," Journal of World History, Volume 19, Number 4 (December 2008), 431-464.

"The Vernacular Life of the Street: Ratsitatanina and Indian Ocean Créolité,” Slavery and Abolition, Volume 29, Number 3 (September 2008), 327-359.

“Enslaved Malagasy and Le Travail de la Parole at the Pre-Revolutionary Mascarenes,” Journal of African History, Volume 48, Number 3 (November 2007), 457-479.

“Malagasy at the Mascarenes: Publishing in a Servile Vernacular before the French Revolution,” Comparative Studies in Society and History, Volume 49, Number 3 (July 2007), 582-610.

“Colonies Lost: God, Hunger, and Conflict in Anosy (Madagascar) to 1674,” Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East, Volume 27, Number 2, (2007), 345-366.

“African Diasporas and the Atlantic,” in Jorge Cañizares-Esguerra and Erik R. Seeman, eds., The Atlantic in Global History, 1500-2000 (Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 2007), 129-147.

“La diaspora malgache aux Mascareignes (XVIIIe et XIXe siècles): notes sur la démographie et la langue,” Revue Historique de l'Océan Indien, Volume 1 (2005), 143-155.

“Larceny in Madagascar and Beyond,” Slavery and Abolition, Volume 24, Number 1 (April 2003), 153-172.

“Austronesian Mortuary Ritual in History: Transformations of Secondary Burial (Famadihana) in Highland Madagascar,” Ethnohistory, Volume 48, Number 1-2 (Winter-Spring 2001), 123-155.

“The Origins of Malagasy Arriving at Mauritius and Réunion, 1770-1820: Expanding the History of Mascarene Slavery,” in Vijaya Teelock and Edward Alpers, eds., History, Memory and Identity (Port Louis, Mauritius: University of Mauritius, 2001), 195-236.

“The Route of the Slave from Highland Madagascar to the Mascarenes: Commercial Organization, 1770-1820,” in Ignace Rakoto and Eugène Mangalaza, eds., La route des esclaves: système servile et traite dans l'est malgache (Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001), 119-180.

“Reconsidering Trauma, Identity, and the African Diaspora: Enslavement and Historical Memory in Nineteenth-Century Highland Madagascar,” William and Mary Quarterly, 3d Series, Volume 56, Number 2 (April 1999), 335-62.

“A Cultural Politics of Bedchamber Construction and Progressive Dining in Antananarivo: Ritual Inversions During the Fandroana of 1817,” in Karen Middleton, ed., Ancestors, Power and History in Madagascar (Leiden: Brill, 1999), 37-70.

“‘Capacities and Modes of Thinking’: Intellectual Engagements and Subaltern Hegemony in the Early History of Malagasy Christianity,” The American Historical Review, Volume 102, Number 4 (October 1997), 969-1002.

“A Cultural Politics of Bedchamber Construction and Progressive Dining in Antananarivo: Ritual Inversions During the Fandroana of 1817,” Journal of Religion in Africa, Volume 27, Number 3 (August 1997), 239-269.

“A Census of Slaves Exported from Central Madagascar to the Mascarenes Between 1769 and 1820,” in Rakoto Ignace, ed., L’esclavage à Madagascar: aspects historiques et résurgences contemporaines (Antananarivo: Institut de Civilisations, Musée d’Art et d’Archéologie, 1997), 131-145.

“Desperately Seeking ‘the Merina’ (Central Madagascar): Reading Ethnonyms and their Semantic Fields in African Identity Histories,” Journal of Southern African Studies, Volume 22, Number 4 (December 1996), 541-560.

“Multiple Narratives, Gendered Voices: Remembering the Past in Highland Central Madagascar,” The International Journal of African Historical Studies, Volume 28, No. 2 (1995), 295-325.

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